About Ragoût, Esq.

This simple search tool exists to answer a number of problems I run into on a regular basis. It’s pretty common when reading a section of statute to wonder, “but where does this language come from?” There isn’t an easy way to get an answer to that question without spending a lot of money on reference materials, but now I can simply copy the sentence I’m curious about into the search field and find every bill that ever included it. When researching a topic or drafting a bill, this historical search function is a huge time saver. If you have any similar use cases, have fun using this website!

With love, Jeanne Woodbury

Some Notes

I don’t recommend searching for ARS codes, as nice as that would be, because the underlying search function does not recognize them as complete strings. Similarly, try to avoid searching common words; you’ll just get every bill! I’ve also observed that after a certain point, very long search phrases start to become less effective at filtering results; I think this may be a flaw of the bill search function.


Striker search: this one will take me a second to implement, but it’s in the works. Strikers are bills, and really do belong here, but aren’t treated as such on the azleg website.